Saturday morning I woke up, tried to get out of going to my fathers house, but my boyfriend would not let me chicken out. We got ready and went. I did a couple drive by's to see if he was home, in which he was. So we parked down the street and started walking there. I paused a couple times because I couldn't stop crying. My boufriend knocks on the door. No answer. He knocks again... my father answers. I turn around and say 'Hi'. Then. Without hesitation, he says goodbye and slams the door in my face. As my boyfriend and I were walking away (I practically ran), my father then opens his door back up and proceeds to tell my boyfriend what a punk he is and screams at us down the street. I don't know why I expected a different outcome, but shit happens I guess. That night, I figured, since my dads an alcoholic, why not drink until I stop crying? So my boyfriend and I got drunk and played Borderlands till 1am. It was good, and extremely needed.
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